Friday, March 8, 2013


This afternoon, my mom and I ventured over to Roger's Gardens, a breathtaking garden and outdoor living store in Carona del Mar. Walking into the roofless open-air Gardens, we looked upon what felt like miles of greenery, budding flowers, artisan pots and planters, and innumerable nooks filled with unique treasures. I couldn't help but smile after a deep breath of post-rain soil and new life. The morning rain kindly paused long enough for us to enjoy a few sunny yet brisk hours savoring the sights and smells. This weekend is the Gardens' annual weekend dedicated entirely to home-grown tomatoes, epically dubbed "Tomatomania!" Described as "the world's largest (and most fun) tomato seedling sale," Tomatomania! involves instructional seminars and over 150 varieties of heirloom and hybrid tomatos. I felt like I was at Disneyland, it was that magical. 

New to the gardening game, we first listened to a talk that highlighted the basics of growing tomatoes at home. In true nerd fashion, I scribbled notes fervently, hanging on to the speaker's every word. I was also the only audience member under 45. No big deal. (Full post on the ins and outs of planting and growing tomatoes is coming! Pinky swear.)

Following the seminar, we finally got to peruse the rows and rows and rows and rows of tomato varieties. Before we started looking, we limited ourselves to choosing two cherry tomato varieties and two heirloom varieties - for now. Choosing was by far the hardest part. I wanted them all. In the end, we went with the recommendations of a kind (and kinda cute) worker and a friendly Newpsy grandma. (Tangent: I officially decided I am going to marry a man who appreciates gardening. Nothing is hotter than a man who grows things). We chose the following:
  1. Sweet 100 Cherry: earning its name because it bears one hundred or more cherry tomatoes each harvest, the Sweet 100 yields sweet bite-sized nuggets that I will undoubtedly eat by the handful.
  2. Snow White Cherry: fruity and sweet, this cherry variety matures to a soothing yellow-orange color that adds a lovely pop of color to salads. (Told you! Disneyland.)
  3. Neves Azorean Red Heirloom: enormous tomatoes at 1-3 pounds each (EACH!), this beefsteak heirloom is deep red in color and complexly bold in flavor. Often called, "The Ultimate Sandwich Tomato." 
  4. Paul Robeson Heirloom: with a distinctive, sweet and smokey flavor, this 7-10 oz. tomato is black-brick in color. I hear great things.

Though we showed considerable self control among the tomato seedlings, we lost it all when we turned to our left and saw the vegetable and herb sections... We left with garlic chives, shallots, and two more cilantro plants to add to our kitchen window herb garden. I will be back for more. Oh yes, I will be back. 

After a long afternoon drooling over the vivid descriptions of tomato varieties, we were too hungry to do any potting today. Tomorrow, though, our Victory Garden begins. Until then...


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